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We create Private Equity, Public Equity, and Real Estate opportunities for everyday investors.

Private Equity

We invest in small, profitable companies that are still early in their growth trajectory.

We acquire equity and controlling stake in portfolio companies and build teams and capabilities to accelerate growth. 

Public Equity

We invest in publicly traded companies that meet our rigid, high-growth and profitability criteria.

Approximately 75% of our Public Equity capital is invested in a range of companies that grow revenue at ~30% YoY.


Real Estate

We acquire real estate assets in growing and transformational neighborhoods in the Philadelphia, PA area.

We focus on building long-term rental cash flow by renovating and building new apartment buildings. 


BRWK is led by Anthony T. Bennett and Randy Reid. They run the business and grow the network of private equity professionals, real estate developers, investors, small business owners, and legal and accounting professionals that make it possible to bring top-tier opportunities to BRWK. 

Top-tier opportunities for everyday investors.


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